Saturday, November 11, 2006

Itchy feet

Got back from prayer meeting today and had itchy feet. No, I don't mean it figuratively. I literally had itchy feet. When I was in the shower, I initially tried to use one foot to rub the other (you know what I mean... I'm sure everyone's done it before). It did not satisfy. So I just dug my nails in and gave them a good hearty scratch. Ahh.... there... so much better:)

Well, the itch is gone now. Have not figured out the cause. Don't think there is one.

Hmm... why do I like blogging about the mundane, not-so-important things so much? There really are more important things that are happening in my life to talk about. Perhaps I spend so much time talking about them already that blogging is an outlet where I can make a note of the so-called "less significant" things in life. I do feel that they are worthy of thought.
Ok, perhaps I think too much... So many words and all I wanted to say was that I had itchy feet this evening.

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