Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Chestnut explosion and Bob the policebear

Tonight was my second attempt at roasting chestnuts. The first attempt was last week and that resulted in a major chestnut explosion... actually, it was more like 2 explosions. The first occured in the oven and the second after I'd taken them out of the oven. So as you can imagine, there was a lot of cleaning done afterwards.

Tonight, I was determined that there would be no more disasters. I followed the instructions. I pierced each chestnut carefully on the flat side and chucked them in the preheated oven at 200 degrees. Alas, I was still unable to avert disaster- one chestnut was disobedient and had exploded in the oven. But but... I did make very sure I pierced each one!

Then there was the problematic peeling... The first few peeled quite easily but the rest were a bit of an ordeal. Why does the "furry" covering stick to the flesh??? It is impossible to get off. Yet, it is so hard and bitter that eating the chestnut with the furry skin intact isn't much of a solution.

In S'pore, chestnuts are sold at "pasar malams" where they are roasted in this big "roasting thingy" with coffee grounds... the aroma is delectable! What amazes me more is that the vendor doesn't seem to have problems with exploding chestnuts and peeling them doesn't seem to require the dexterity and skill of a chipmunk/squirrel!

I wouldn't bother if they didn't taste so good...

Oh yes, on a separate note, I've got to announce the latest member to my soft toy collection. Introducing.... Bob the policebear! He's an early Christmas gift from KC (he named him Bobby... but I reckon Bob sounds less tacky...)

Ok, guess it's time to try to get some sleep. Have to get up to do a locum shift at BOC.

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