Thursday, November 02, 2006

All day PJs

It's 4.35pm. I'm still in PJs. "lazy bum" I hear you say... But seriously, I woke up at a relatively civilised time of 8.30am. Just haven't had to leave my flat all day, so didn't see the need to get out of my comfy PJs.

Got a new mobile phone 2 days ago. One of those cool walkman ones. Still in the process of learning to use it. Gadgets- look great, sound good, but for a techno-phobe like me, their full functions are never realised.

My revived past-time-- making gifts and cards. Made MS a birthday card last night. In sweet pink (her fave colour) and silver. Went a step further and made her a gift this afternoon. No prizes for guessing the predominant colour. I'm pinked out!

Have an interview tomorrow. Once again, I should be preparing for it, but no, it's still more than 12 hours away, so the sense of urgency hasn't yet kicked in. It'll come.

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