Monday, November 27, 2006

Bits of Barcelona

Sigh. I'm still not very good at this whole blogging business.

Spent the last 1/2 hour trying to create a post, along with some photos, but somehow, I couldn't get the photos uploaded and when I did and realised that I wanted to delete a couple of them, I couldn't get rid of them.

But I'm determined to post something tonight!

Well, back in S'pore now :) Had a busy week prior to this, but it was great! Barcelona was really nice... the weather, the food and especially the architecture! I'm still deciding which building I like best, but it's a tough one.

Here are a few random photos... I'll upload the rest onto flickr soon (ok... once it may be a while till I get round to it)

Can't seem to get the captions in the right place, so this will have to do.

First photo is of hot chocolate. Yup, it tends to be listed under "desserts" in Barcelona and very rightfully so. It's really more like thick, molten chocolate. A real sweet treat!

Next one is of the famous Sagrada Familia. This particular photo is taken from the "passion" facade. There are 3 facades- Nativity (the only one that was completed by Gaudi during his day), Passion and Glory (yet to be completed). The beauty of the Sagrada is simply indescribable. The attention to detail reflects the immense passion that Gaudi put into designing and building the Sagrada. The one thing the guide spoke of struck me so much- "Do you know why the Gaudi designed the tallest tower to reach the height of 170m?" Well, the answer is simple. Montjuic (tallest mountain in the area stands at 173m). Gaudi believed that man cannot create what God can create, hence, the tallest tower must not exceed the height of the mountain!

Next photo is of the Palau de la musica catalana. This is the "extension" bit, hence the modern architecture. No photography was allowed inside. Again, it is so magnificient! Even more difficult to describe without any internal photos!

Ha... this is a cactus photo. Have this thing about cacti- I'm not too fond of them plus they don't survive very long under my care... so here I'm standing amongst some very large cacti... just to demonstrate their size.

And lastly, there's the Palau de la musica catalana again. This is taken from the other side of the building.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Re o bama

We fall down, we lay our crowns
At the feet of Jesus
The greatness of mercy and love
At the feet of Jesus
And we cry holy, holy, holy
And we cry holy, holy, holy
And we cry holy, holy, holy
Is the Lamb
Re o bama
Re I koba
Naong tsa go Jesu
Lo lorato
Le legolo
Naong tsa go Jesu
O boitshepo, boitshepo
O boitshepo, boitshepo
O boitshepo, boitshepo
O kwana
- Chris Tomlin
Few words, much meaning. This song is really special to me. It's one that seems to "appear" whenever I'm at an extreme of a particular emotion- sometimes when I'm feeling down, sometimes when I'm feeling just so grateful, sometimes when I'm just a little lost and in need of assurance. This song has brought me to my knees, filled my eyes with tears and stirred my heart up so much that it just aches.

The first 2 verses are sung in english, and the next 2 are in setswana, which is the national language of Botswana. Whenever I hear the song, I'm reminded of God's omnipresence.

I find it hard to explain. The words mean so much, yet, even when the language is one that I do not understand, the worship is just as beautiful.

Tonight, we sang it at prayer meeting.

Leaving later this morning for Barcelona, returning to Glasgow next week for a day before flying back to S'pore. It was strange and a bit sad bidding farewell to folk in church. "See you in January." I know that before I know it, it will be January 2007, but right now, it seems so far away. Mixed feelings. I'm excited about going to Barcelona, really happy to be spending Christmas with my family in S'pore, but soppy ol me is going to miss everyone here so so much.

So take care... all of you... I'll c u next year... God bless, always.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Friends, coffee and books...

Today was one of those days. My brain was programmed from the minute I awoke to "eat" mode. Hunger wasn't the issue at any point of the day. In fact, my satiety centre was working perfectly fine. It did on many occasions convey the message to my brain- "Stop! Stomach says it can't cope with all the junk being loaded in!" Somehow, some other part of my brain, perhaps I shall call it the "greed centre" won today, which is why I'm feeling absolutely stuffed to the brim. And I said I don't even like crisps... honest!

Anyway, I thought I'd post a picture to represent the institution where I spent the whole of yesterday afternoon and half of this afternoon. I was meant to meet up with a friend who had the day off for coffee and to do some studying. Somehow, we discovered that 2 other friends happened to be off work as well. The 4 of us sat in Starbucks and hung out together. 4 hours and many a hot beverage later, we decided it was time to pull out the books. We managed about half an hour before it was time to return to our respective homes for dinner. So yes, a productive day!

This morning, after multiple sms messages, the 4 of us, plus another friend met for brunch. Then it was off to Starbucks again for more of this "studying" business. We were more successful today. I've now nearly finished chapter 2 of my A&E radiology book... So I can just about name most of the skull sutures:)

As for why it had to be Starbucks... Well, the winter flavours are here! They're sooo good. Every year, my flatmate and I eagerly await the arrival of the red winter cups. Top of the list has to be the eggnog latte. Next comes the gingerbread latte. My new favourite (when I'm not in the mood of caffeine) is the signature hot chocolate. However, nice as it may be, I would advise against getting a venti... I managed one yesterday, but it was really "jelak".

A couple of photos...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

There are patients and there are patients.

Did a locum shift at BOC today. All I really did was clerk-in the patients being admitted in the morning and when I'd finished, I started preparing the casenotes for the next day.
Basically, everyone on the ward was receiving chemotherapy... the flavour of the week seems to be 5FU.

Do people ever wonder what a ward full of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy- some curative, some palliative is actually like? Do people have their own preconceptions of the mood in the place?

Well, I'll tell you what it isn't... It isn't a dreary, place full of sad patients resigned to their diagnosis. Perhaps by the time a patient gets chemotherapy, he/she would have come to terms with the diagnosis and simply makes the decision to move on in life... in some cases, remaining "life" may only span weeks or months... Or perhaps he/she, when faced with the stark reality of death learns to appreciate life even more. I can only guess.

There was the jovial man in the second bed with 'radiation burns' across his face and neck, who laughed heartily at my attempt to cart away a pile of casenotes suspended between my arms and my chin... then there was the sweet man in the bed next to the nursing station who was thanking me profusely for simply clerking him in and offering to try my best to improve his symptom management. (He was suffering from such severe mucositis from his treatment that he could hardly swallow without wincing in discomfort)

It's people like these that make my vocation worthwhile. It's so easy to become cynical and disillusioned when faced with the likes of aggressive, ungrateful patients who shout profanities at you for trying to site an intravenous cannula in them so they can receive antibiotics for the cellulitis secondary to their intravenous drug use. And yet, the ones who simply seem to have drawn the short straw in life express only gratitude for every ounce of care that is delivered.

Hmm... in my next job in A&E, I can be assured of an excess of the former category of patients...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Chestnut explosion and Bob the policebear

Tonight was my second attempt at roasting chestnuts. The first attempt was last week and that resulted in a major chestnut explosion... actually, it was more like 2 explosions. The first occured in the oven and the second after I'd taken them out of the oven. So as you can imagine, there was a lot of cleaning done afterwards.

Tonight, I was determined that there would be no more disasters. I followed the instructions. I pierced each chestnut carefully on the flat side and chucked them in the preheated oven at 200 degrees. Alas, I was still unable to avert disaster- one chestnut was disobedient and had exploded in the oven. But but... I did make very sure I pierced each one!

Then there was the problematic peeling... The first few peeled quite easily but the rest were a bit of an ordeal. Why does the "furry" covering stick to the flesh??? It is impossible to get off. Yet, it is so hard and bitter that eating the chestnut with the furry skin intact isn't much of a solution.

In S'pore, chestnuts are sold at "pasar malams" where they are roasted in this big "roasting thingy" with coffee grounds... the aroma is delectable! What amazes me more is that the vendor doesn't seem to have problems with exploding chestnuts and peeling them doesn't seem to require the dexterity and skill of a chipmunk/squirrel!

I wouldn't bother if they didn't taste so good...

Oh yes, on a separate note, I've got to announce the latest member to my soft toy collection. Introducing.... Bob the policebear! He's an early Christmas gift from KC (he named him Bobby... but I reckon Bob sounds less tacky...)

Ok, guess it's time to try to get some sleep. Have to get up to do a locum shift at BOC.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Maysan's pink day

We celebrated M's bday today... A wee bit early cos C and I will be away next weekend. It was meant to be a surprise, but I believe the birthday girl suspected something was up when she spotted J's bike!!! (so apart from shoes, we must remember to hide bikes in the future)

We had good food- LA's "one pot rice", C's herbal soup, YH's and KC2's veg and a birthday cake for dessert! (one that I made earlier :))

We laughed, laughed and laughed some more. Lame jokes, embarrassing moments, unintentional mishaps... they were all cause for laughter.

Then there was the photo shoot. We must've spent most of the evening taking silly pictures. Will upload some when I get them off J tomorrow.

As a tribute to the birthday gal, we're going to co-ordinate our attire tomorrow--- PINK.

So here's to flowers, cake and all things pink and fluffy!

The boys... & The gals...

The cake... Now you see it... Now you don't! (Waiter J did not provide KC2 with
any utensils. No points for guessing how the cake was consumed)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Itchy feet

Got back from prayer meeting today and had itchy feet. No, I don't mean it figuratively. I literally had itchy feet. When I was in the shower, I initially tried to use one foot to rub the other (you know what I mean... I'm sure everyone's done it before). It did not satisfy. So I just dug my nails in and gave them a good hearty scratch. Ahh.... there... so much better:)

Well, the itch is gone now. Have not figured out the cause. Don't think there is one.

Hmm... why do I like blogging about the mundane, not-so-important things so much? There really are more important things that are happening in my life to talk about. Perhaps I spend so much time talking about them already that blogging is an outlet where I can make a note of the so-called "less significant" things in life. I do feel that they are worthy of thought.
Ok, perhaps I think too much... So many words and all I wanted to say was that I had itchy feet this evening.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Just to explain

S saw me updating my blog and exclaimed, "Dim sum and lambchops??"
Ok, I guess for the benefit of those who don't get it, I should explain...

Well, most people who know me are aware that I absolutely love dim sum. I would happily have it for lunch everyday:) As for lambchops, well, I think I'd rather starve.

So yes, like a true S'porean, there is more to food than meets the stomach... It is representative of the joys and pains, ebb and flow, mountains and valleys of life.

I found the photos on google pictures... Sorry, I have yet to take any personal snapshots of dimsum or lambchops.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Royal Infirmary, Barcelona, Langkawi and the frustrated cactus

Some updates since my last entry...

1. I've got a job for Feb 2007. A&E at Royal Infirmary. A testimony in itself!
2. Decided that a trip to Barcelona would be nice... the flights were a bargain and we've just booked our accommodation (have spent ages scouring the internet for a good deal).
3. Have agreed that it would be a nice idea to spend a few days at the end of the month in a beautiful Langkawi resort.

So yes, lots of holidays lined up... Don't know if they will make the prospect of starting work again any less appealing.

In case you were wondering, that's a frustrated cactus... was downloading emoticons and thought this one was cute. Yes, I do have better things to do, but this is addictive... and entertaining!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

All day PJs

It's 4.35pm. I'm still in PJs. "lazy bum" I hear you say... But seriously, I woke up at a relatively civilised time of 8.30am. Just haven't had to leave my flat all day, so didn't see the need to get out of my comfy PJs.

Got a new mobile phone 2 days ago. One of those cool walkman ones. Still in the process of learning to use it. Gadgets- look great, sound good, but for a techno-phobe like me, their full functions are never realised.

My revived past-time-- making gifts and cards. Made MS a birthday card last night. In sweet pink (her fave colour) and silver. Went a step further and made her a gift this afternoon. No prizes for guessing the predominant colour. I'm pinked out!

Have an interview tomorrow. Once again, I should be preparing for it, but no, it's still more than 12 hours away, so the sense of urgency hasn't yet kicked in. It'll come.

The fear of the Lord

Read Deuteronomy 6 this morning. The fear of the Lord. This seems to be the message of this week. C shared about "fear, honour, reverence" on Sunday. And it has been in my mind. What does it mean to fear the Lord? Deuteronomy 6 tells of Moses warning the Israelites against complacency, against coming to that place where they lose the fear of God.

Therefore, the fear of the Lord compels us to live our lives in obedience to His commands, having no other gods before Him. And our obedience shall be credited to us as righteousness.

v5: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your

v12: "be careful that you do not forget the Lord..."

v13: "Fear the Lord your God and serve him only and take your oaths in his name."

v25: "And if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commanded
us, that will be our righteousness."

Again, the result of fearing the Lord- to lack nothing. Cause and effect.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing."
- Psalm 34:8-10

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Angry? Confused?

Attended Singhealth presentation today. Still don't really see much difference between the 2 healthcare groups in S'pore. That's unless you want to do psych, which I don't.

I thought I had it all set out in my mind. Especially since I've now got my HSMP visa. I had planned on trying to secure a 6-month post for Feb 2007 and at the same time apply for the new ST training scheme which is due to commence in Aug 2007.

That was the plan. B told me this evening that there's some talk of Lord Warner and discussions regarding HSMP visa holders and their ineligibility to apply for the ST training scheme. Well, that was enough to rock my boat. Are you telling me that after all the hassle and the money spent (it really did cost a lot), my visa is as good as useless? Ok, I can legally reside in this country till Oct 2008, but if I can't join the training scheme, what is the point????

Frustrated. Confused. Angry. All wasted emotions though.

Perhaps it's time to pack up and return home. Perhaps I'm just a fool for wanting to remain in a country that pays little regard to people like me... the aliens...