Saturday, December 30, 2006

Love, it's complex

Was browsing through several blogs tonight. 3 out of the 4 that I read focused on the topic of love. Perhaps it's the end of the year and everyone's in a reflective, pensive mood. One spoke of love for her students, another of love for a girl, another of the hopelessness of finding the right girl to love.

And there I was, telling my new stuffed toy donkey, Donga that I love him. Sigh.

These days, I do also think about affairs concerning finding that significant other. Not that it makes any difference since there's nothing I can or will do about it. I've always maintained that such things are really in God's hands. Doesn't make it easy though, especially when you're within the arbitrary "marriagable age range".

Typical conversation goes:

Them: "So, no boyfriend ah?"
Me: "No."
Them: "Why?"
Me: (Silence) But inside, I'm thinking.... "Got why one meh?"
I do however manage to give them the puzzled, confused and embarrassed grin that usually prompts a change of topic.

Oh well, I reckon if I'm still single by the time I'm 35, the questions will eventually cease. Not that I'm hoping that that will happen...

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