Monday, December 18, 2006

Dad's baptism

My dad was baptised yesterday:)
It was so sweet and beautiful.

2 days prior to baptism day, dad was informed he had to prepare a "testimony" on an A4 sheet. So guess what, my dear sis and I had to play scribe and "paraphraser" on Saturday night. It was actaully a blessing to be a part of his testimony writing! It was really nice hearing his testimony in it's raw form.

Often, "conversion" comes as a gradual process. For dad, there were so many factors that convinced him that Christ is real and that He really is the one true God. What struck me the most was that after he had narrated his brief testimony to mei and I, he said, "I know you've all been praying that I will one day come to believe."

I don't know if you've ever prayed for something on such a longterm basis that you sort of forget that you've been praying for it? Well, I've prayed through the years that my very "resistant" dad would come to experience a relationship with Christ. Honestly, at times, I have wondered, "Is there any point in praying? Nothing seems to happen." But God is faithful, even when I am often so lacking in faith. He answers. sometimes, it just takes a bit more perseverence, a bit more patience.

So, thank you my dear Lord for hearing and answering my prayers, and the prayers of so many around me, even when they may often be tinged with doubt. Prayer works :)

Several of mum and dad's friends were present at the baptism service and we were so blessed to have them share the special day with us.

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