Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sumptuous lunch

Food. The one consistent feature of my current trip home. I've had an excess of good food on a daily basis, ranging from home-cooked-all-time-favourites to hawker fare to fine cuisine. My appreciation of food is the one proof of my "Singaporeaness"!

I shall admit to having a "checklist" that I try to get through at least once during each return home. Off the top of my head, I can tick off the following (in no particular order):

1. Mee rubus
2. Seafood hor fun
3. Mee pok tah with fishballs
4. Rojak
5. Popiah
6. Soon kway
7. Beef kway teow
8. Fish head curry
9. Dim sum

The above are just part of the list of "must haves". I've been quite successful- have managed to squeeze in many of the dishes more than once. I've had tonnes of other drool-worthy dishes, but I'll spare your salivary glands and refrain from listing them all.

I've detracted from the point of this post. I meant to say that mum, dad and I had lunch at Restaurante Bologna today. I normally try to have as little "ang-moh" food when I'm in S'pore as possible (so there'll be more room for the local grub), but this italien restaurant is a winner on more than one count! The food's fab, the ambience nice, the service good and very importantly, the capuccino did not disappoint. I had the antipasto and dessert buffet. The main courses looked really really good, but even my highly capable satiety centre had to stop me from over-indulgence. Having said that, I visited the antipasto spread at least 5 times, then swiftly proceeded to the desserts. The cheesecake was... well I had 2 slices, so that speaks for itself. Was quite controlled and had just 1 slice of chocolate cake, a bite of mum's tiramisu and another little chocolate thing which I don't know the name of. No matter how full one is, there's always room for coffee- my capuccino went down with much ease.

So, if you've not been to Bologna, I'd highly recommend it! Mum and dad have been there nearly every mothers' day for the past few years! And we all know how fussy my mum is about her food...

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