Sunday, May 06, 2007

The PPPP+H of salt

Do you believe in coincidences? What if the timing is just so perfect? Would you then believe that it is all the hand of God?

I was doing QT this morning. Read Leviticus 2. I often find it difficult to see the relevance of old testament traditions in life today, but Leviticus 2 did make an impression. The book of Leviticus starts by talking about the different offerings that the Israelites offered unto God. Lev 2 speaks of the grain offering. They offered different types of grain offering unto the Lord, but the important thing about each grain offering was a) it must be without yeast and b) it must be seasoned with salt.

Salt. It's mentioned a lot in the bible. We are called to be the salt of the earth. And to not lose our saltiness, or we'll lose all usefulness. The bible commentary spoke of salt as a substance that penetrates, that preserves and brings healing. Such a simple substance, with such tremendous properties. When I think about the healing properties of salt, I can't help but relate it to salt on an oral ulcer. It really really smarts, doesn't it? How you have to grit your teeth and contort every facial muscle as the salt penetrates the ulcer. Yet you do it cos you know that it will help the ulcer to heal. Somehow (I don't really know why), that led me to think of Hebrews 12:11-
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."


Went to church. Pastor Fred was preaching. And guess what? He started with Matthew 5, about us being salt of the earth. Then he referred us back to Leviticus 2. At that moment, I couldn't help but think to myself... "You can't be serious... of all passages in the bible... Lord, you can't speak louder than this, can you?"
From his sermon, I was reminded of yet another "P" property of salt- Purity. Salt is pure. I was wondering how salt, NaCl can lose it's saltiness. Well, it's when it loses it's purity, when it is contaminated.


So now when I think of salt, I think of all the "Ps"

+ healing properties... couldn't come up with a "P" for that...


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