How British! The weather. It features in nearly every conversation, it influences peoples' moods, it determines how many intoxicated patients will present at the ED...
Ah, but bad weather. Bad weather just seems to follow me! Seriously! Whenever I'm off, the weather's crap and when I'm working, it's nice! I'm not exaggerating!
And yes, whenever I'm away on holiday, the weather will be great till the day before I arrive, then it'll pour till the day I leave... then it'll be sunny again!
It'll be sunny tomorrow... cos I'm working...
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Funny dream
I think I've got blogger's diarrhoea... one post after another. Or perhaps it's more like "overflow" diarrhoea from not having posted anything for a while.
And I do apologise for how graphic the last paragraph is. The medics amongst you would probably not even flinch, but for everyone else, I hope you weren't having your dinner whilst reading.
Anyway, I just remembered a funny dream I had last night... and thought I'd have to put it down... just cos it was so ridiculous I'm beginning to doubt my sanity.
I don't actually remember all the details, but what I do remember is that I was being taken advantage of by one of the consultants whom I'd worked for last year, Dr C (he's a bit of a tyrant, albeit a physically not-so-large one) and there was this hunk of a guy who came to my rescue- yup, full 6-pack and "muscly". I was so happy that he came to my before any harm befell me, but after he rescued me, he shrunk down to the size of an action figure and asked me to put him back on the shelf!
You know how dreams are often influenced by the recent events? Well, this was a really hilarious combination! Serves me right for winging about Dr C with one of the other medics the other day...
The first thing that comes to mind when I recalled the dream...
Dr C:

My hero:

LOL :)
And I do apologise for how graphic the last paragraph is. The medics amongst you would probably not even flinch, but for everyone else, I hope you weren't having your dinner whilst reading.
Anyway, I just remembered a funny dream I had last night... and thought I'd have to put it down... just cos it was so ridiculous I'm beginning to doubt my sanity.
I don't actually remember all the details, but what I do remember is that I was being taken advantage of by one of the consultants whom I'd worked for last year, Dr C (he's a bit of a tyrant, albeit a physically not-so-large one) and there was this hunk of a guy who came to my rescue- yup, full 6-pack and "muscly". I was so happy that he came to my before any harm befell me, but after he rescued me, he shrunk down to the size of an action figure and asked me to put him back on the shelf!
You know how dreams are often influenced by the recent events? Well, this was a really hilarious combination! Serves me right for winging about Dr C with one of the other medics the other day...
The first thing that comes to mind when I recalled the dream...
Dr C:

My hero:

LOL :)
Postpone the negative thoughts
Dearest blog...
I was going to vent all my frustrations, pen all my woes and release all that pent up emotion within me.
I'll have to postpone doing so now cos I've now thought about the SofM and am feeling better already. To speak of all the negative things would just make me feel low, so there's not much point in doing so.
So we shall just keep it at raindrops on roses, warm woollen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with string, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings... (I've omitted those that I don't actually think are that nice anyway)

Edelweiss... I actually think it sounds prettier than it looks.
your faithful owner
I was going to vent all my frustrations, pen all my woes and release all that pent up emotion within me.
I'll have to postpone doing so now cos I've now thought about the SofM and am feeling better already. To speak of all the negative things would just make me feel low, so there's not much point in doing so.
So we shall just keep it at raindrops on roses, warm woollen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with string, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings... (I've omitted those that I don't actually think are that nice anyway)

Edelweiss... I actually think it sounds prettier than it looks.
your faithful owner
The Sound of Music
Let's start at the very begninning.
Meant to post this last week, but following my return from London, things got a little hectic (mostly with work). Perhaps the moment has passed me by and I will not be able to fully express the joy that watching The Sound of Music brought. But I shall try anyway.
I am the sort of person who would rather not watch a movie than watch it on my own. I have never wanted to watch a movie that badly. Trips to the cinema are more social for me.
So you see, the SofM really has such a special place in my heart. I went down to London for an interview, which went badly. There was no point in dwelling on it, and the weather was crap and my feet were sore from those heels... So I decided that I'd just go to the box office and buy myself tickets to the SofM. It didn't matter that no one was free to go with me. It didn't matter that I would have to hang around town for the next 4 hours. I wanted to watch it. Full-stop.
It was fantastic!!! I bought the best tickets I could get, got there, squeezed past groups of tourists, families, couples etc... plonked myself (and my shopping bags) down and enjoyed the musical from beginning to end. It's my favourite musical of all time. The one that I'd learnt all the songs to as a child. The one that would make me smile no matter how grey the skies are, or how deep the valleys seem. It didn't matter who was sitting on my left and right. It didn't matter that my feet were still sore. I was there... in the hills, in the chapel, in the von Trapp family home. It felt like 2 hours where I was transported out of this problem-filled world to a world where I felt I was 5 again and my only care was how I was going to convince dad to buy me that toy.
I could watch it again. Again and again and again. I've tried to relive it all by buying the soundtrack, but its not the same. There'll be a next time. I'd watch it, whether I'm 30 or 50 or 80... and I know I'd still feel like a 5-year-old again!
Hmm... It's worked! I feel happier just talking about it...
Rodgers and Hammerstein- what geniuses!!!
Meant to post this last week, but following my return from London, things got a little hectic (mostly with work). Perhaps the moment has passed me by and I will not be able to fully express the joy that watching The Sound of Music brought. But I shall try anyway.
I am the sort of person who would rather not watch a movie than watch it on my own. I have never wanted to watch a movie that badly. Trips to the cinema are more social for me.
So you see, the SofM really has such a special place in my heart. I went down to London for an interview, which went badly. There was no point in dwelling on it, and the weather was crap and my feet were sore from those heels... So I decided that I'd just go to the box office and buy myself tickets to the SofM. It didn't matter that no one was free to go with me. It didn't matter that I would have to hang around town for the next 4 hours. I wanted to watch it. Full-stop.
It was fantastic!!! I bought the best tickets I could get, got there, squeezed past groups of tourists, families, couples etc... plonked myself (and my shopping bags) down and enjoyed the musical from beginning to end. It's my favourite musical of all time. The one that I'd learnt all the songs to as a child. The one that would make me smile no matter how grey the skies are, or how deep the valleys seem. It didn't matter who was sitting on my left and right. It didn't matter that my feet were still sore. I was there... in the hills, in the chapel, in the von Trapp family home. It felt like 2 hours where I was transported out of this problem-filled world to a world where I felt I was 5 again and my only care was how I was going to convince dad to buy me that toy.
I could watch it again. Again and again and again. I've tried to relive it all by buying the soundtrack, but its not the same. There'll be a next time. I'd watch it, whether I'm 30 or 50 or 80... and I know I'd still feel like a 5-year-old again!
Hmm... It's worked! I feel happier just talking about it...
Rodgers and Hammerstein- what geniuses!!!
Mish mash
So much on my mind. A whole load of mish mash.
The past week and a half has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster.
At this point in time, I have so much to say, but all I want to do is dig a big hole in the ground and hide away from the world.
The past week and a half has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster.
At this point in time, I have so much to say, but all I want to do is dig a big hole in the ground and hide away from the world.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
On nights at the moment. Was finishing this morning when one of the Registrars walks in.
Him: "Hi."
Me: "Oh, hi."
I then notice something on his upper lip.
Me: "Oh dear, what happened to your lip."
Him: "Cold sore."
He proceeded to walk on.
I seem to have a knack for embarrassing situations. It honestly looked like he'd bitten his lip or had fallen over or something.
At least I didn't reply with: "Tried zovirax?"
Him: "Hi."
Me: "Oh, hi."
I then notice something on his upper lip.
Me: "Oh dear, what happened to your lip."
Him: "Cold sore."
He proceeded to walk on.
I seem to have a knack for embarrassing situations. It honestly looked like he'd bitten his lip or had fallen over or something.
At least I didn't reply with: "Tried zovirax?"
Sunday, May 06, 2007
The PPPP+H of salt
Do you believe in coincidences? What if the timing is just so perfect? Would you then believe that it is all the hand of God?
I was doing QT this morning. Read Leviticus 2. I often find it difficult to see the relevance of old testament traditions in life today, but Leviticus 2 did make an impression. The book of Leviticus starts by talking about the different offerings that the Israelites offered unto God. Lev 2 speaks of the grain offering. They offered different types of grain offering unto the Lord, but the important thing about each grain offering was a) it must be without yeast and b) it must be seasoned with salt.
Salt. It's mentioned a lot in the bible. We are called to be the salt of the earth. And to not lose our saltiness, or we'll lose all usefulness. The bible commentary spoke of salt as a substance that penetrates, that preserves and brings healing. Such a simple substance, with such tremendous properties. When I think about the healing properties of salt, I can't help but relate it to salt on an oral ulcer. It really really smarts, doesn't it? How you have to grit your teeth and contort every facial muscle as the salt penetrates the ulcer. Yet you do it cos you know that it will help the ulcer to heal. Somehow (I don't really know why), that led me to think of Hebrews 12:11-
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Went to church. Pastor Fred was preaching. And guess what? He started with Matthew 5, about us being salt of the earth. Then he referred us back to Leviticus 2. At that moment, I couldn't help but think to myself... "You can't be serious... of all passages in the bible... Lord, you can't speak louder than this, can you?"
From his sermon, I was reminded of yet another "P" property of salt- Purity. Salt is pure. I was wondering how salt, NaCl can lose it's saltiness. Well, it's when it loses it's purity, when it is contaminated.
So now when I think of salt, I think of all the "Ps"
+ healing properties... couldn't come up with a "P" for that...
I was doing QT this morning. Read Leviticus 2. I often find it difficult to see the relevance of old testament traditions in life today, but Leviticus 2 did make an impression. The book of Leviticus starts by talking about the different offerings that the Israelites offered unto God. Lev 2 speaks of the grain offering. They offered different types of grain offering unto the Lord, but the important thing about each grain offering was a) it must be without yeast and b) it must be seasoned with salt.
Salt. It's mentioned a lot in the bible. We are called to be the salt of the earth. And to not lose our saltiness, or we'll lose all usefulness. The bible commentary spoke of salt as a substance that penetrates, that preserves and brings healing. Such a simple substance, with such tremendous properties. When I think about the healing properties of salt, I can't help but relate it to salt on an oral ulcer. It really really smarts, doesn't it? How you have to grit your teeth and contort every facial muscle as the salt penetrates the ulcer. Yet you do it cos you know that it will help the ulcer to heal. Somehow (I don't really know why), that led me to think of Hebrews 12:11-
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Went to church. Pastor Fred was preaching. And guess what? He started with Matthew 5, about us being salt of the earth. Then he referred us back to Leviticus 2. At that moment, I couldn't help but think to myself... "You can't be serious... of all passages in the bible... Lord, you can't speak louder than this, can you?"
From his sermon, I was reminded of yet another "P" property of salt- Purity. Salt is pure. I was wondering how salt, NaCl can lose it's saltiness. Well, it's when it loses it's purity, when it is contaminated.
So now when I think of salt, I think of all the "Ps"
+ healing properties... couldn't come up with a "P" for that...
Glorious weekend
I had a lovely weekend :)
It's been a while since I've felt this sense of liberation. No exams, no interviews, no work. It's momentary, I know, but I really really did try to make the most of this weekend. Phoned mum and dad on Friday morning, then had brunch outdoors with R, proceded to the Botanics and lay on the grass, soaked in the sunshine and read my favourite magazine (ok, it's Grand Designs, I shall admit)
Friday evening was spent at Prayer meeting. Played the KB, something I've not done in such a very long time and I was really blessed by the ministry:)
Was meant to go to Loch Lomond on Saturday, but that was cancelled. Spent the morning thinking of what a beautiful day it was, blasting "Casting Crowns" latest album and just thanking God and remembering His faithfulness. Then had breakfast, and did my long overdue ironing whilst watching Saturday Kitchen (ok, again sad, but there's no better way to spend a Saturday morning). Took a roadtrip to Aberfoyle and went cycling with friends in the afternoon. Just imagine peddling as fast as you can along the banks of the loch, sun on your back, wind in your face. Bliss.
Back in Glasgow, chatted with friends whom I hadn't spoken to in ages, had a nice shower, then met a R and O for hot chocolate/vanilla steamer.
Weather today was not too nice, combination of wind, rain and some sunshine. Spent the morning in church (more about that later), then went supermarketing (bought enough to feed an army, or just me for a week) and joined blockbuster. Yup, I joined blockbuster. Even I find it difficult to believe.
The weekend's coming to an end... It's bank holiday Monday tomorrow, but I don't get public holidays. Start nights tomorrow. Still, I thank God for the great weekend. As for the nights... It'll just make me appreciate my next weekend off even more:)
It's been a while since I've felt this sense of liberation. No exams, no interviews, no work. It's momentary, I know, but I really really did try to make the most of this weekend. Phoned mum and dad on Friday morning, then had brunch outdoors with R, proceded to the Botanics and lay on the grass, soaked in the sunshine and read my favourite magazine (ok, it's Grand Designs, I shall admit)
Friday evening was spent at Prayer meeting. Played the KB, something I've not done in such a very long time and I was really blessed by the ministry:)
Was meant to go to Loch Lomond on Saturday, but that was cancelled. Spent the morning thinking of what a beautiful day it was, blasting "Casting Crowns" latest album and just thanking God and remembering His faithfulness. Then had breakfast, and did my long overdue ironing whilst watching Saturday Kitchen (ok, again sad, but there's no better way to spend a Saturday morning). Took a roadtrip to Aberfoyle and went cycling with friends in the afternoon. Just imagine peddling as fast as you can along the banks of the loch, sun on your back, wind in your face. Bliss.
Back in Glasgow, chatted with friends whom I hadn't spoken to in ages, had a nice shower, then met a R and O for hot chocolate/vanilla steamer.
Weather today was not too nice, combination of wind, rain and some sunshine. Spent the morning in church (more about that later), then went supermarketing (bought enough to feed an army, or just me for a week) and joined blockbuster. Yup, I joined blockbuster. Even I find it difficult to believe.
The weekend's coming to an end... It's bank holiday Monday tomorrow, but I don't get public holidays. Start nights tomorrow. Still, I thank God for the great weekend. As for the nights... It'll just make me appreciate my next weekend off even more:)
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