Sunday, October 29, 2006

The sorrows of the world

The world I live in is full of sadness. Within my extended family, there is evidence of the pain of living itself. The pain that the troubles of this world brings. Then there are the people whom I meet at work- colleagues, patients... And there are the people whom I walk past in my rush to get to my next destination. Spoken or unspoken, there is much sorrow.

Big problems, small problems... who's to judge? The same problem, 2 different people, 2 different responses. Why do some people have so much upon their shoulders and yet still find within them the courage to carry on? Not only carry on, but to love and to serve others with a big smile on their face. Yet there are others who seemingly have so much going right for them, but are filled with worry, with fear that they wouldn't be able to cope with the little load on their shoulders, with fear that they won't have enough for tomorrow?

We have each been given 1 life. It's up to us to live it. We have been given choices and the ablility to make these choices. Ever wondered... "Where would I be if I had taken the other road? Made a different choice?" Life is full of decisions. What would life be if we didn't have to make choices? Sort of like one of those books that I would read as a child, where you start from the first page, but how one gets to the ending is dependant on the options that one chooses along the way. Not only do those options determine the end, but they also determine the route and the length of time the adventure takes. Not dissimilar to life, isn't it?
Am reminded of a song by Michael Card- "Joy in the Journey". The joy is in the journey.

Troubles. People cope (or fail to cope) in different ways. Some just grit there teeth and get on with it, albeit miserably... others take it in their stride and cling on to the hope that it will get better... yet others just cave in under the pressure. Some turn to alcohol, others to drugs, others try to find an escape in the form of work or a hobby. Denial. How long can a person deny the existence of their troubles for? Surely it will one day drive them to insanity or depression.

And then there's God. Where does He come in? "If there is a God, why does He allow me to experience so much pain" you might say. I guess I don't have all the answers. I don't think anybody does. All I know is that whilst there are troubles in my life, I know that my Lord is always with me. He will never leave me, He will never forsake me. That in itself, along with the fact that I know He will never give me a burden to heavy to bear is more than enough for me to cling on to. If only everyone- my relatives, colleagues, patients, people whom I encounter on the street knew God, they wouldn't have to cope with life alone.

Since the beginning of time, since the fall of man, there has been pain in the world. And because there is a God, a God who loves us so much, He provided a way out. He endured all the pain, more pain than anything our lives bring. He died so that we don't have to, so that we won't perish. So, what does God know about pain? He knows everything there is to know about pain!
It's so hard for me to grasp why this world is so opposed to the Truth. And yet, I obviously must think that the truth is hard to understand, cos if I thought it easy to understand, I would be out there explaining it to everyone. It contradicts, doesn't it? Will they label me a lunatic? Will they call me a fool? Or will they just reject me outright? And come to think of it, instead of sharing it with people, I'm blogging it. Ok, it meets my need of wanting to tell someone (or the computer) in this instance, without having to await a response.

Well, I guess there is the chance that someone out there who stumbles upon this blog is hurting and in search for an answer. Small chance, but not impossible, right?

To all the people who are looking for answers to their troubles, their sadness, may the Joy of the Lord be your strength.

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." - Rom 5:3

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. - Isa 40:31

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." - 2Cor12:9

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