Thursday, October 05, 2006

The public library

I registered myself with the local library today. Yup, the library that I must've walked past more than a thousand times over my 7 years in Glasgow. Before today, I had only walked into that library once. Even then, it was only because I was accompanying a friend who had to return a book. Gosh, public libraries sure have evolved since the days when I frequented them (ok,I lie... I've never really been a regular library-goer, but you know what I mean). If the ones in Glasgow are offering wireless internet access, imagine what the libraries around the rest of the world must be offering! (literacy rates in this city ain't fantastic, in case you were wondering)
Why hadn't I ventured in before? I guess during my uni days, I always had access to the Uni library and Med school study landscape. When I started working, there was the hospital library. But now that I've joined the booming unemployment market, I figured it would be a good time to join the local library.
So equipped with my new Glasgow City Council library card, I'm looking forward to cold, wet days spent in the warm local library amongst novels, magazines, DVDs and flat screen computers... a welcome change from the shelves of kumar and clark, robbins, harrison's, bmj issues and the like...

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