Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy CNY

Hey folks... Happy CNY...

Btw, were any of you shouting my name from outside my flat earlier this evening? Cos if you were, it's not that I was ignoring you. Really. Was at work... my flatmate just told me that there were pple outside her window shouting...

Anyways, just to get some sympathy, I spent my "chu2 xi1" dealing with drunken head injuries... and my "tuan2 yuan2 fan4" was leftover pasta for 2 days ago... but I'm not complaining... just moaning, like I always do. And yes, it's my fault... I did choose to do this job :(

I do take consolation (ok, very small consolation) in the fact that I've got a horrid cold, so I wouldn't really be able to enjoy all the yummy new year goodies anyway.

Happy CNY one and all...

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