Friday, February 23, 2007

A day in my life

My life's changed a lot lately.

I have gone from having a good deal of time to myself and to my friends, to having close to none.

For the past fortnight, the routine has been- wake up, eat, work, eat, shower, fall asleep after reading for 15 min., sleep, then back to work again.

I will now dissect each activity...

1. Work
Much as I moan, I don't hate my work. Really. Yes, I do experience a "sense of impending doom" as I head off to work, but once I'm there, it's usually ok. It's often quite exciting actually. I'm still at the "Help!!! What do I do now" stage, so my adrenal glands are on overdrive half the time. Which leads me on to the second activity...

2. Eat
In most jobs, you have a relatively uninterrupted lunch break where folk sit down, have lunch and engage in some banter. In A&E however, we have staggered lunch breaks. You are always conscious of the fact that the patients continue to pile up as you have your lunch and no matter how hard you try to relax, you spend half the time looking at your watch to see how long you've been away for and the other half trying to taste your sandwich.
At the rate I'm going, I should be skin and bones... But that's something that will never happen to me, so long as I pass the swallow assessment. When I get home, whether or not I'm hungry, I head to the kitchen and start chomping away on just about everything I see. Junk food doesn't involve cooking, so I start with that, whilst waiting for my food to cook...
And once I'm stuffed to the brim, I head along for a shower, attempt to do some studying and before I know it, I'm into activity

3. Sleep
I really can't help falling asleep. The tired brain, bones, muscles all need rest. Having said that, I've dreamt about work nearly every night for the past week! Think nightmare is a better description than dream actually.
The immense relief I get when I wake up and realise that it isn't true is tremendous!

In order to maximise activity 3., I often have to proceed to activity 2. whilst on the train or bus to activity 1.

And the cycle repeat's itself again...

Now for the good news...

- Tomorrow is the start of my first weekend off since I started this job!!!
- I've got the rest of the week of (annual leave). Annual leave is allocated in this job, but it's time off, so I'm not complaining!
- It was pay day yesterday. First proper pay check in a while :) I'm working for a decent wage at least!

Which also explains why I can finally post another blog entry.

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