Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Add this to my previous Milo post

Further to my post last year about my relationship with Milo, I have a little more to say.
I encountered Milo at the Sainsbury's supermarket nearby. This brought some delight. The bargain-hunter Singaporean in me was even more pleased by the fact that it was cheaper than my usual "tummy warming" bedtime drink- horlicks. Sadly, the pleasure ends at the purchase.
I ladelled a big spoonful of the brown stuff into my mouth (yes, I have to admit that I have a disgusting habit of eating as well as drinking my Milo) and my immediate thoughts were- "There's something dreadfully wrong here!" The texture was way too grainy and the flavour far less chocolatey and much sweeter than the stuff I know as Milo.
Next thing that pops into my head is "Why?!?!"
I examine the tin and discover that it is imported from Africa. Perhaps they like their Milo sweeter, grainier and less chocolatey. Lesson learnt. Always read the label before you buy. Especially when buying Milo. Or just stick to Horlicks.

What's in the name?

Ever had one of those strange feelings when you think about a word again and again until it becomes completely alien to you? I often experience this "word strangeness" when I stare at a word for a prolonged period of time.
Last night however, was the first time a similar feeling occured, but with my name. For a moment, my name didn't seem like mine. I felt detached from my name. I went a step further and thought about all the other people I know who share my name and it seemed to suit them fine. It just didn't quite belong to me.
Maybe I am going a little crazy...